Challenge instructions for Chapter 06: Creating Lists

In this challenge, you’ll work on the sample HTML Essential Training reference site to determine where lists are appropriate and then format the list that's best fits the semantic needs of the content.

1.	Examine site navigation
			a.	Applies to: all pages
			b.	Examine the top-level navigation for the site. Currently all links are enclosed in an individual paragraph. Is this semantically sound? 
			c. If not, organize the links into the appropriate list type
2.	Examine HTML timeline
			a.	Applies to: intro.htm
			b.	In the HTML timeline section examine the paragraphs containing relevant dates. Is this the best semantic grouping for this content?
			c. If not, organize the timeline into the appropriate list type

3.	Examine doctype grouping
			a.	Applies to: syntax.htm
			b.	Find the section on doctypes
			c. Examine the three doctypes and their examples. Would a list be the best semantic presentation of this content?
			d. If so, organize the links into the appropriate list type
4.	Examine HTML terms
			a.	Applies to: reference.htm
			b.	Find the section for HTML terms
			c. Examine the terms and their descriptions. Is this the best semantic grouping for the content?
			d. If not, organize the links into the appropriate list type